Visit to the Agro-ecological and Medicinal Plants Farm

Departure from Soroa, Artemisa
”Visit to the Agroecological and Medicinal Plants Farm” - Visit to the Agro-ecological and Medicinal Plants Farm
from €7.00
Panoramic View- ”Visit to the Agroecological and Medicinal Plants Farm””Visit to the Agroecological and Medicinal Plants Farm”Crops of Medicinal Plants- ”Visit to the Agroecological and Medicinal Plants Farm””Visit to the Agroecological and Medicinal Plants Farm”

General Information

  • Category: Half day tours
  • Modality: Landing tours
  • Duration: 2 hrs
  • Departure time: OnRequest,
  • Tour guide: Yes
  • Children are allowed: Yes
  • Languages spoken: Spanish and English

Program Details

Visit to the Agro-ecological and Medicinal Plants Farm

We invite you to visit a Cuban agro-ecological farm that is mainly dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal plants. Experience up close the life of the countryside and its peculiarities. At all times we will be sharing with the family that lives there, and we will know everything about the cultivation and properties of medicinal plants.

In this place, we will carry out work aimed at the conservation of the soil, since in the past there was a quarry for the extraction of rocky materials for construction.

The farm has an area of about 3 hectares, where there are plantations of about 75 species of medicinal plants, and a variety of fruit trees, we will also find about 300 varieties of orchids either in nurseries or living in their natural form in trees, as well as other varieties of plants. In this place we do not use industrial or chemical fertilizers, only organic and green manure derived from the same plantations.

In the area you can observe different species of birds such as the tocororo, mockingbird, tomeguín, zunzún and others, as well as butterflies and honey bees, the latter being important in the pollination and development of plants. At the end of the visit or the work you can enjoy delicious natural juices, coffee, tea or infusions and fruit sweets typical of the place.

Details of the excursion

  • Difficulty Level: Low
  • Duration: 2 hrs
  • Visit to the Agro-ecological and medicinal plant farm

TIPS: - Light clothing, sunglasses, hats or caps, tennis, sandals or comfortable shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, insect repellent and camera.