“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”

Departure from Viñales, Pinar del Río
“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop” - “Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”
from $21.00
“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”

General Information

  • Category: Half day tours
  • Modality: Landing tours
  • Duration: 2 hrs - 4 hrs approximately
  • Departure time: 08.30 hrs
  • Tour guide: Yes
  • Children are allowed: Yes
  • Languages spoken: Spanish and English

Program Details

“Cycling tour an Amazing Loop”

This route is designed for those who are older or have little practice in cycling. We will always ride on a paved road with little traffic. On this trip you will see the real Cuban houses and a pure and almost virgin nature. Most of the road is flat and downhill, but of course there is always a challenge to be taken into account (5 to 6 uphill slopes to be precise).

Always cycling on a paved road near mountains and valleys you will be able to observe the unique landscapes, mosaics of crops and local traditions. It is very attractive the strong contrast between the vegetation of the slate heights, the tobacco areas and the vegetation of the mogotes. At the end you can swim in the Resbaloso river, after some hours in the warm Cuban sun.

Approximate duration of the excursion: 2 hours - 4 hours approximately

Price includes: Bicycle and specialized guide service

Difficulty degree: Low (Easy)

Distance to go by bike: 26 kms approximately

TIPS: • Light clothing, swimwear, sunglasses, water and light meals with sweet and protein, hats or caps, hard tennis or hiking boots and sandals to cross the river, other protective layers for seasons rain, solar protection and photographic camera.